
VPN; Victory for the People’s Net…

Virtual Private Network


Spotify や Pandora radioが日本でまだ聴視できない理由は、音楽関係の著作権を取りまとめているレコード会社の数が日本は9つもあり……といった話はまたの機会にする。が、日本の特殊性と既得権益にこだわっていると、日本の米(コメ)産業のように時代に合わなくなってしまう気がする。時代は「コシヒカリもいいけど、インディカ米もいいよね」になってきていると思う。


そして、それは、日本の音楽産業が勝利したのではなく、i-mode 同様、絶滅を意味するものだと思う。(おわり)

”In United States, Japan and most of Europe countries, people prohibits their governments from placing such a government's firewall, by the Constitution. However, it is said that some other countries have such a firewall for contents-filtering.

The government's firewall force the people to use only domestic web services instead of international web services. They cannot visit international web-services which compete with domestic web-services.

In other words, such a government supplies unfair advantages to the few domestic web-service providers in exchange for push inconveniences to the all Internet users of the country.

In the long-term viewpoint such a government's overprotecting policies will be cause of decline in public-interests, because most of people in the country are blinded to the world-valuable overseas web services.” 
Quoted from VPN Gate.

SoftEther Corporation from University of Tsukuba in Japan
筑波大学のベンチャー企業 ソフトイーサ株式会社

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